10周年を迎えた大阪の野外パーティー〈ChillMountain〉を主宰し、全国各地でのDJ活動やトラック制作などでさらなる飛躍が期待される気鋭の才人が初作を発表。土着的なビートがジワジワと侵食し、サイケデリックなウワモノと共鳴する“VODUN”をはじめ、オーガニック~コズミック~バレアリックを縦横無尽に駆け巡る祝祭的な音世界に脳がシビレまくり! この享楽感にトリップしてしまう中毒盤!


[English Translation]
DJGrOunD  "Vodunizm"

Known for vigorous stints including the main organizer for ChillMountain, the famous outdoor event SoundCampParty in Osaka that celebrated its 10th anniversary last year, as well as numerous DJ appearances across the country or many other beatmakings, the strikingly gifted and up-and-coming artist DjGrOnD has released his anticipated debut full-length album. As in the track "VODUN" for instance, in which indigenous beats gradually permeate and resonate with the psychedelic overdub sounds, the festive sound world that freely runs through organic~cosmic~Balearic realms makes our brains totally shiver! Undeniably trippin’ to the hedonic vibe, a wholly addictive piece for sure!