Jesse Ruinsの2014年作のリミックス盤には、国内外の地下シーンよりカッティング・エッジな精鋭たちが集結。インダストリアルな雰囲気なれど、そう呼ぶには妙にツルっとした音色が耳を惹くあらべぇ仕事に始まり、ハイファイとローファイが共存したサウンドで彩るTaquwamiのリワークなど、最先鋭の音響がたっぷり。どれほどズタズタに刻まれても原曲の持つ官能性が微かに香るのもポイント。
[English Translation]
The cutting-edge elite artists from both national and international underground scenes have been concentrated in this remix by Jesse Ruins (the pop/dance/electronica duo) of their own release from 2014. The album is fully loaded with the most radical sounds: The sound of the first track remixed by Yusaku Arai, a.k.a. Arabei (a young and powerful artist in the experimental scene) has an industrial mood, though it may not be accurate to call it ‘industrial’ with the oddly slippery touch that actually catches our ears. Hi-fi and lo-fi sounds coexist and color the rework by Taquwami (a young beatmaker from Tokyo). Another point to note is that no matter how much the sound is torn to tatters, the functionality of the original still faintly gives off its sweet perfume.
Jesse Ruins、あらべぇやTaquwamiら国内外の地下シーンの精鋭たちが集結した2014年作のリミックス盤