最近はAi IshigakiJu-kenとのバンド=Derailersの活動で新境地を開拓するレゲエDJの4作目。そちらとは一転、アーバンな香り漂うジョグリン“HIKARI~See the light~”や色気のあるホーンが絡むワン・ドロップ“HOT STEPPA”など、従来のダンスホール・スタイルを全面に押し出した内容で、曲調を選ばず映える軽妙なマイク捌きが心地良い。質/話題性共に最上級な兄の卍LINEとの共演曲も華を添え、本領発揮の快作だ。

[English Translation]

Been recently noted as a member of Derailers, the 3-piece band formed with Ai Ishigaki (gu) and Ju-ken (ba), the ever-evolving ‘exploring-a-new-vision’ raggamuffin Deejay RUEED has revealed his own 4th full-length release, a piece that actually marks a big difference from the said band’s works. Featuring tracks such as the urbanely joggling “HIKARI~See the light~”or a sexy horn-swirled one-drop rhythm-ed “HOT STEPPA”, the solo album wholly and strongly represents the classic dancehall style, and his pleasantly light mic-play comfortably fits each track throughout the piece. Containing also (both quality and buzz-wise) a fabulous collaborative tune with famed older brother卍LINE, the solid masterwork perfectly demonstrates his real self and specialties.