稀代のトラックメイカーがインスト集『night canoe』以来5年ぶりに放つオリジナル作。体温を感じさせるファットなビートは今回も間違いない仕上がりを見せており、それだけで最高!なのだが、今作のポイントはやはり多くのラッパーが参加している点にあるし、総じてラップ・アルバムとして捉え得る作品だと思う。鬼、小林勝行、山仁、MC漢など、際立った個性を持ったリリシストばかりが招かれていることからも言葉に重きが置かれていることが窺え、イマジナリーなサウンドに寄り添うというよりも、むしろその心地良さと拮抗する鮮烈なリリックが飛び出す瞬間にこそ胸を打たれるのだ。嶋野百恵をフィーチャーした、とろけること必至のメロウ・チューン“One by one”も最高で……文句なしの傑作!
[English Translation]
The matchless track maker releases his long-awaited original album, the first since the previous instrumental collection "night canoe", released 5 years ago. The perfect finish delivered by the body temperature-transmitting fat beats is already nasty enough, but the highlight of this album after all is the long list of rappers featured in the production. In general, it is a piece that should be viewed as a proper 'rap album'. The heavy weight attached to 'words/lyrics' is revealed in the fact that so many distinctively unique lyricists were invited to the album, including Shinjuku-based rapper Oni, Kobe-based rapper Katsuyuki Kobayashi, the troubadour YAMAZIN or MC Kan from Shinjuku-based hip hop group, MSC, and rather than nestling up to imaginary sounds, the moments when vividly strong lyrics rivaling such dreamy coziness break loose is when the listeners are truly blown away. Meanwhile, the tantalizing melt-away mellow tune "One by one", featuring hip hop/R&B singer Momoe Shimano, is absolutely superb. Simply an undisputed masterpiece!