昨年にはonomono名義のミニマル・テクノ集を出すなど、創造の枝葉を多方向へと伸ばすTHA BLUE HERBの片割れが、O.N.O名義で5年ぶりに放った新作。機材に囲まれた求道者さながらのジャケットが示すように、マシンに血肉を通わせたようなビートは切れのある重低音を生み出し、一心不乱に音を叩きつけるストイックな振る舞いが聴き手をまだ見ぬ深みへと誘う。チェンバロのような音色が響く“Reng”の厳かさが妙味。

[English Translation]
The latest release in 5 years from the other half of Japanese alternative hip-hop unit THA BLUE HERB, under the name O.N.O, who has been expanding his branches of creation multidirectionally, such as releasing a minimal-techno compilation under yet another name, onomono. As the cover art of a spiritual seeker-like character surrounded by various equipment indicates, the beats from the machines given flesh and blood generates sharp bass sounds, inviting the listener to an unknown depth by the stoic conduct of intensely drumming up sounds. The grandness of "Reng" with the echoing timbre of the cembalo is exquisite.