Day Tripperに所属するdeath flamingo into the memaiのメンバーによるファースト・ソロ・アルバムは、LAビーツ勢にも通じるコズミック感を醸しつつ、程良い硬さのビートが耳に優しい一枚。ほんのり香る文学性と少年っぽい雰囲気にもほっこりで、オッド・ノスダム的なチリチリの電子音とノスタルジックなメロディーが、〈埃っぽい記憶の部屋の散策〉へと招待してくれます。


[English Translation]
Yuta INOUE "Homemade Dust Collector"

The first solo album from Yuta INOUE, a Japanese track maker (and member of electronic music unit, death flamingo into the memai that belongs to the Kansai-region-based Day Tripper Records) is an ear-friendly piece with beats of just the right hardness, creating a cosmic atmosphere akin to that from fellow artists in the LA beats scene. The whiff of literariness and boy-ish air is appreciably chillaxing, and Odd Nosdam-ish frizzy bleeps and nostalgic melodies delightfully invite the listener to 'a stroll through a room of dusty memories'.