迫力のライヴ・パフォーマンスで観客を魅了するno.9こと城隆之が率いるバンド・セットが、結成から7年目にしてついに初作を発表。鳥のさえずりやギターとハーモニカのアンサンブルが淡い情景を描く“Good Morning”、ドラムとピアノがスリリングに呼応する“Re:bug beats”など、温もりある叙情的な楽曲に肉体的なリズムが注入されたサウンドは徐々に昂揚しながら圧倒的な熱量を放つ。生命力に溢れたグルーヴが最高!
[English Translation]
The band-set led by sound designer/composer, Takayuki Joe a.k.a. no.9, known for the hearts-capturing kick-ass live performances, has finally announced the release of their first album after a good long 7 years since forming the team. The sounds from the warm and lyrical tracks injected with physical rhythms elevates gradually, finally bursting with overwhelming heat, such as "Good Morning", a track portraying a delicate setting with the ensemble of birds singing combined with the tunes of guitar and harmonica, or "Re:bug beats" where the drums thrillingly act in concert with the piano. The groove overflowing with vital spirit is absolutely breathtaking!