傑作と名高い前作から継承されるシンプルなロック・サウンドをより深化させたミニ作。どの曲もグランジ色の強いノイジーなギターが印象的で、それを保持しながら壮大なスケール感で展開する“A Day Goes On By”や、単音フレーズが独特の色気を放つダーティーな“Candy”などを収録。そんな荒ぶったサウンドをピアノやストリングスが彩る“Sakura”で穏やかに締め括るという、コンパクトながらも実にドラマティックな作品だ。

[English Translation]
Following the footsteps of its previous album highly acclaimed as a masterpiece, this latest mini-album has even deepened the classical plain rock sound its predecessor is known for. Each song is powered with the grungy downright 'noisy' guitar, including "A Day Goes On By" maintaining that very grunge but yet developing into a grandiose composition, or "Candy" a somewhat dirty-minded track full of a peculiar sultriness flowing from the single tone phrase throughout the track. Those rugged sounds, however, are quietly but yet superbly toned down and round off with "Sakura", the final track adorned with the soothing sound of the piano and strings. A comfy-sized album in a dramatic scale.