DINARY DELTA FORCEDLIP勢や、MOSS VILLAGEこと藤沢周辺の作品で辣腕を振るうビートメイカー、NAGMATIC。昨年の初ソロ作やBLAHRMYMILES WORDとのタッグ盤『INPOSSHIBLE』(名作!)に続く一手はインスト・アルバムだ。サンプリング・マナーに則って作られたビートは、煙いがどことなく陽気で軽やかな空気感がある。彼独特のビート・センスを十二分に開花させた一作。

[English Translation]
NAGMATIC is a Japanese beatmaker who displays his extraordinary skills on the works of hip hop groups on DLIP Records like DINARY DELTA FORCE as well as of artists from Moss Village aka Fujisawa City of Kanagawa. Following his first solo album last year and "INPOSSHIBLE," an excellent collaborative album with rapper MILES WORD of Japanese hip hop group BLAHRMY, he has released an instrumental album. Created following the sampling style, the beat has a smoky but somehow cheerful and lighthearted feel to it. His distinctive flair for beatmaking is fully displayed on this album.