東京生まれ三軒茶屋育ちの早口DJが、数々の企画盤への参加や客演を経て、今年KING-Kと発足した新レーベルからついに初作を発表。ウォームアップとばかりに冒頭からスカ調の“MANITA UP”をルーディーにキメれば、続く“NEW DAKA DAKA DANG”では持ち前の超高速フロウを披露し、序盤からアクセル全開! ゲストも豊富で、早口の大先輩SHIBA-YANKEEとマイクを交わした“FAST ATTACK”は骨太だし、90年代にメガ・ヒットを記録したCJ・ルイスのアノ曲(懐かしい!)を大胆に引用したJ-REXXXとのコミカルなラヴソングにも耳をくすぐられる。リメイク・リディムや言葉遊び的な楽曲なども要所に散りばめ、レゲエの正攻法で真っ向勝負したお披露目作。今後の動きにも注目したい逸材の逸品だ。
[English Translation]
After numerous supporting acts for various CDs or live projects, born-in-Tokyo&raised-in Sangen Jaya(Tokyo) superfast-talkin’ Dee-Jay TAITANG finally unveiled the 1st album from MANITA UP CITY, the brand new label co-established this year by TAITANG, himself, and the highly acclaimed DJ KING-K. As if it's a warm-up, the ska-ish, rudy-cool “MANITA UP” secures the opening, which is then followed by the next “NEW DAKA DAKA DANG” that confidently demonstrates his signature ultra-fast flow, and the full-length piece is at full-throttle already from the beginning! With many notable guest artists, the album comes with vibrant tunes such as the sturdy “FAST ATTACK” where he shares the mic with the much-respected fast-talking predecessor SHIBA-YANKEE, while the comical love song that boldly adopted CJ.Lewis’ mega hit (yes, that one you may know) from the 90’s (nostalgic!) done with J-REXXX nicely tickles our ears. Randomly yet effectively containing the riddim remakes and word-play-like tunes, this introductory work straightforwardly proclaims the orthodox reggae style. A true gem by the promising star for your close attention hereafter.