もともとオルタナティヴな性質を持っていたDJ BAKUの音楽。新レーベルからの第1弾となる本作ではその傾向をさらに強め、〈レイヴ〉を掲げてさまざまなコラボに興じるクロスオーヴァー化が最高潮な内容に! Crystal LakeのRyoが強靭な咆哮を上げるハードコア・ブレイクビーツや、UKレイヴ界の生き字引たるラガ・ツインズとベース・ミュージックのマエストロ的な存在のHABANERO POSSEを招いたトランシーなエレクトロほか、クレジットを見て感じた胸の高鳴りが間違いでなかったと確信できる楽曲の波状攻撃。ジャズ・テイストやメロウなチル曲もあり、共演陣のキャラとBAKU流レイヴ・サウンドとががっぷり四つに組むも、ただアゲるだけではない変化に富んだ邂逅が本作の聴きどころだろう。
[English Translation]
DJ BAKU’s music has always been in the nature of alternative music; however, on this album which marks his first release from his new label, he has developed his tendency toward it even further and enjoys to the fullest, a higher level of cross-overs by the variety of collaborations with other musicians, under the concept of [rave]. The numbers such as the hardcore breakbeat tune where Ryo from Crystal Lake shows off his mighty roar, and the trancey electro track featuring Ragga Twins, the living dictionary of the UK rave music industry, and HABANERO POSSE, the maestro-like figure of bass music, will attack you in waves assuring that the excitement you felt when you saw the credit was so right. Since there are also a jazz-style number and a mellow, chill-out number, even though the characters of the guest collaborators and BAKU-style rave sounds are well-worked-out and inseparably locked together, this album is not all about exciting the listeners; it also offers you the enjoyment of witnessing great matchmakings.
DJ BAKU、〈レイヴ〉掲げCrystal LakeのRyoやラガ・ツインズにHABANERO POSSEらとコラボしたクロスオーヴァー化最高潮な新作