The Wedding MistakesやTomgggを輩出し、いまや数多の次世代レーベルにおいてもっとも注目を集める存在となったFaded Audio。そこから、fazerockとharaのコンビによる初の単独フィジカル作品が満を持して登場した。シンガーのEVO+を迎えたメロウなR&B“City Lights”、タイトなディープ・ハウス“Only Me”、Jinmenusagiのフロウが抜群の存在感を放つ“G.I.R.L.”、新感覚のベース・ハウス“Tonight”のそれぞれ眩い光を放つ4曲のオリジナルに加え、Pa's Lam System、BUDDHAHOUSE、BROKEN HAZE、HABANERO POSSEら強力な面々がリミックスを提供。名刺代わりとしては十分すぎる内容かもしれないが、彼らの名刺にはこの豪華さが相応しい。それだけシーンからの期待は高い。
[English Translation]
With the roster of distinguished artists such as The Wedding Mistakes or Tomggg, the label Faded Audio has been recognized as the most-anticipated record label tailored to the next generation among many equivalents and now from there, the excitingly-reputed DJ/sound unit HyperJuice has finally dropped the 1st physical release. Besides the brilliantly beaming 4 original tracks; the mellow R&B tune featuring singer EVO+, ”City Lights”, the tight deep house “Only Me”, the renowned rapper Jinmenusagi’s outstanding flow-filled “G.I.R.L.”, and another new bass house track “Tonight”, the full-length album carries impressive remixes also by mighty allies, such as by Pa's Lam System, BUDDHAHOUS, BROKEN HAZE, HABANERO POSSE and such. This debut CD obviously goes beyond a mere introduction yet the stunning duo fully deserves the gorgeous contents considering the huge attention paid to them in the scene.
Faded Audio/Pヴァイン