[English Translation]
Having released from a French and a German record label, Japanese beatmaker Linn Mori has made available in CD format the second album released earlier last year in cassette tape format as well as digitally. As his background of getting into hip hop after listening to Prefuse 73 suggests, the album is filled with a night fog made of post-electronica-fuelled toppling rhythms as well as slightly-distressed flickering piano and horn sounds, offering a great collection of beats reminiscent of Japanese beatmakers ILL-SUGI and Arμ-2. The track "Kasumi (meaning Mist)" with mellifluous vibraphone is a bonus track exclusive to the CD format.
欧州のレーベルから作品発表するビートメイカー・Linn Moriの2作目がCD化、ILL-SUGIやArμ-2らとも共鳴するビート集
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