約2年半ぶりとなる4作目。不穏なグロッケンとシャッフル・ビートがダーティーな雰囲気を醸し出す“MAKE ME DEAD!”を幕開けに、壮絶な熱量を持つ13曲が収録されているが、リリックがとにかく強烈。〈お前(≒聴き手)〉の腑抜けた心が冴えない人生を生み出したのだということを、〈希望の種〉すら残らないほど延々と突き付けてくる。そんな絶望の淵で何を見るかはあなた次第。どこまでもシリアスな人生讃歌だ。

[English Translation]
This is their 4th full-length album and first in about two and a half years. Opening with “MAKE ME DEAD!” in which a dirty atmosphere is created by the ominous glockenspiels and shuffle drum beats, this album consists of 13 tracks generating a tremendous amount of heat. On top of that, the lyrics are simply shocking. They unremittingly confront us saying that ‘your (= the listener’s)’ boring life is a creation of ‘your’ gutless spirit, until there is no ‘seed of hope’ left. It’s up to you what you see at such an abyss of despair. This is a purely serious hymn to life.