ベイビーファーザーなる新たな名義もジャケのユニオンジャックもどこまで本気にして良いのやら。ディーン・ブラントは相変わらずリスナーを煙に巻くのが上手い。ざわつくストリートの喧噪と美しいハープの音色のコントラストのなか、〈This makes me proud to be british...〉という意味深な言葉がマントラのように唱えられ、どこかシネマティックな空気を漂わせながら妄想の迷宮へと引き込んでいく“Stealth Intro”でアルバムは幕開け。彼らしい危うい歌心に鬼才アルカを巻き込んだ“Meditation”、映画「アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食」のサントラに見えたミカ・リーヴァイの暗黒面を存分に引き出す“God Hour”など、ヒップホップを主軸にしつつ、混沌とメランコリーが同時進行で押し寄せる何とも奇妙に歪んだ半壊音楽を形成している。実体を掴めそうな気になったあたりで、轟音ノイズや電話のベルで一気に振り出しへと戻される悪夢のスゴロク無限ループ。まったくもって一筋縄ではいかない衝撃作だ!
[English Translation]
I wonder how much I should take his new artist name ‘BABYFATHER’ or the Union Jack on the album cover seriously. Dean Blunt, as usual, mystifies listeners. This album opens with "Stealth Intro," in which meaningful words [This makes me proud to be british...] are repeated like a mantra in the contrasting sounds of the bustling street and beautiful harp music, producing somehow a cinematic atmosphere that draws you into the labyrinth of imagination. Including "Meditation" featuring his typically dangerous musicality produced by the exceptional Arca or "God Hour" that fully brings out Mica Levi's dark side seen in the soundtrack of the film [Under the Skin], the album, principally based on hip hop, offers a strangely distorted, partially-destroyed music in which confusion and melancholy simultaneously surge toward you. When you are just about to capture the substance of it, roaring noise or ringing telephone bells will bring you back to square one, captivating you in a nightmare-like endless loop. In fact, this is simply a mind-blowing album that is not easy to define!