NATURE DANGER GANGやおやすみホログラムらとも絡んできた〈ジャンク・ディスコ・バンド〉が、初のベスト盤から間髪入れず新作を発表。ニュー・オーダー“Krafty”を意識したと思しき“LOVE SUPREME”など、これまでより昂揚感を増したシンセ音が、USハードコア由来の反骨精神を持ったバンド・サウンドと絡み合う。レーベルを主宰するworld's end girlfriendとのサンプリング・ヴォイスを多用した共作曲も新機軸。
[English Translation]
The ‘junk disco band,' which has worked with such groups as NATURE DANGER GANG (Japanese rave/bass music band) or Oyasumi Hologram (Japanese female idol group), has released a new album immediately after the release of its first greatest-hits album. As in "LOVE SUPREME" presumably inspired by New Order's "Krafty," the synth-tones sounding more uplifting than ever go well with the sound from the band embedded with a rebellious spirit of US hardcore. A brand-new approach is seen in the collaborative track with world's end girlfriend, the label president, which adopts heavy usage of sampled voices.