world's end girlfriendがほぼ全曲のミックス/アレンジに関与した4作目。べったりシンセとマシナリーなリズムに退廃的な楽園を浮かべたニューロマンティックな世界を深めつつ、プライマルな衝動を呼び起こすインダストリアル・ロックンロール“666”、4×4のリズムに入江陽の幻想的なハイトーン・ヴォイスを注入した“24hours”のような新機軸も披露。終末の週末を彩る最高のシットだけを揃えた一枚。


[English Translation]
Have a Nice Day! return with their fourth album, most songs of which are mixed or arranged by Japanese musician world's end girlfriend. “The Manual (How to Sell My Shit)” reveals the band's new approach as "24hours" features Japanese singer-songwriter Yo Irie's dreamy, high-tone voice over a 4/4 rhythm and "666" is an industrial rock number. The latter reinforces their new romantic touch that lets a decadent paradise afloat on syrupy synths and motoric drums while invoking a primal impulse. This is an album collecting nothing but superb tunes that would colour weekends at the world’s end.