ネオアコAORファンに絶賛されたファーストEPに続く初のフル・アルバム。前作の路線を押し進めつつ、爽やかなカッティングと淡い鍵盤のコントラストで魅せる“Away To Paradise”をはじめ、より開放的で夏っぽいアプローチが際立ち、弾むビートも増えたと思う。ジャケット通り、麦わら帽子を持った白いワンピースの女の子を彷彿とさせる、奥ゆかしいポップスが詰まっている。暑さも和らげてくれそう。


[English Translation]
Following their debut EP, critically acclaimed by followers of '80s guitar pop and AOR, Pictured Resort makes a return with their first full-length album. While picking up where its predecessor left off, “All Vacation Long” takes a more expansive, summery approach and elastic beats. Take "Away To Paradise." It provides a marked contrast between breezy guitar strumming and bleary keys. Like its cover art, the album is full of graceful pop tunes that evoke a girl in a white one-piece dress with a straw hat in her hand, easing the heat of the summer.