結成10周年を迎えた2014年の第1弾は、原点回帰と現在のバンドの力量試しを兼ねたカヴァー集。原曲に近付けるより、身に付いた現代的なガレージ感覚に従った演奏で、レイ・チャールズ、サム&デイヴ、ハウリン・ウルフなど、50〜60年代のリズム&ブルースやロックンロールを嬉々として歌いまくる痛快さ、理屈抜きで最高です。シュープリームス“Back In My Arams Again”をワイルドに仕上げたセンスも素晴らしい!
[English Translation]
The first release of 2014 from the band celebrating their 10th anniversary has come out as a cover album, with the agenda being both 'going back to where they started' and 'pushing the envelope' of their capacities. Rather than trying to approximate the originals, they sing about with gusto, the R&B or rock'n'roll tunes from the 50~60s such as those from Ray Charles, Sam & Dave or Howlin' Wolf, all played following their 'modern garage' instincts they gained through their career. Leave any theory or quibbles aside, it is simply the most enjoyable five-star album. Also noteworthy is their absolutely refined sense in boldly giving The Supremes' "Back In My Arms Again" a 'wilder' touch.