でんぱ組.incの妹分ということで、お姉様方のブレイクに伴って注目を集める5人組。入手困難なシングル曲も漏れなく詰め込んだこの初作は、ワキャワキャしたアップをど真ん中に据えつつ、妄想少女のあざとさスレスレな可愛らしさもあるのが強みで、おニャン子クラブっぽい“甘酸っぱい、甘じょっぱい”には思わずキュンキュン。楽曲はすべてDr.UsuiRoboshop Mania利根川貴之Wicky.Recordingsの面々が制作。


[English Translation]
Moso Calibration "Mososhojo-00 (meaning Fantasizing Girls)"

A little sister group to Dempagumi.inc, the Akihabara-based idol group who shot to stardom, Moso Calibration is a five girls group on the rise. The new album includes singles that are now hard to find. Cute and happy at its core, "Mososhojo-00" has a forte of cuteness that is border line schemed. The track "Amazuppai, Amajoppai" (meaning a feeling of bitter sweet and bit of tang) gives you butterflies, reminding you of Onyanko Club (a legendary idol group of the 80's). All the songs are produced by the members of the music producing team Wicky.Recordings, consisting of composer/musician Dr. Usui and Takayuki Tonegawa of guitar pop unit Roboshop Mania.