鈴木慶一らの客演仕事をこなし、デュオ・ユニット=EAでも活動する日仏ハーフのシンガー・ソングライターによる初作。jan(GREAT3)と佐藤優介カメラ=万年筆)を迎えた音数の少ないバンド・サウンドと、主役のシルキーな歌声とが快いコンストラストを描いている。オルタナ方面に進化したヤング・マーブル・ジャイアンツという趣きのニューウェイヴ・ポップ盤だ。大野由美子Buffalo Daughter)のリミックスも収録。

[English Translation]
Known for her guest appearances for fellow artists such as Suzuki Keiichi, (the composer and performer,) and her work on EA the pop duo, the half Japanese half French singer song-writer Maika Leboutet has released her first album. The band sound with the minified number of tones created by welcoming jan from GREAT3 (a rock band formed in 1994) and caméra-stylo (a young duo pop-band) paints a refreshing and beautiful contrast with Maika’s silky voice. “100” is a new-wave pop album with a taste of Young Marble Giants evolving towards alternative rock. Remix by Yumiko Ohno from Buffalo Daughter (a rock band well known for using a number of electronic instruments) is also recorded on the album.