毎年この時期になると新作を届けてくれるデジタル・ポップ・マエストロの3作目。先行シングル“cosmic dancer”やリード曲“nowhere”で見受けられたデトロイト・テクノピアノ・ハウスからの影響を思わせるフレーズが象徴するように、自身のルーツに答えを見つけたのであろう。器用で繊細であるがゆえのサウンドの線の細さ、それはそれで大きな魅力であったが、そんな過去のイメージと決別して踏み出した一歩は力強い。さらに、昨今のトレンドを意識したアッパーなEDM風のチューンも飛び出すなど、底知れぬ才能の片鱗を見せつけ、まだ見ぬ世界に聴き手を誘うことは間違いない。リリースのたびに自己ベストを更新するWonder Worldの〈いま〉を映し出した最高傑作。

[English Translation]
This is the third release from the digital pop maestro who delivers something new around this time every year.  Electronic musician Wonder World seems to have found the answer to his roots in the symbolic phrases in his lead single, “cosmic dancer”, and his lead song, “nowhere”, which were influenced by Detroit techno and piano house.  The fineness in his sounds that was the product of his artfulness and subtlety had always been a huge draw to his sound, but the first step he made after making a clean break from that past was very strong.  He dabbles in recently popular, upbeat EDM-type tunes and shows us a glimpse of his bottomless talent.  He is sure to gather more listeners from all around the world.  Wonder World renews his best with every release.  This is his “now”, and it is his best work yet.