タワー渋谷店で限定リリースされた『beyond EP』が話題を呼んだ男女2人組の3作目。煌めくシンセのリフが徐々に高まる“CROSS THE HORIZON”を筆頭に、伸びやかな高音ヴォーカルを軸としたエレクトロ~ハウスが展開されるが、“falling leaves”ではピアノと管楽器でしっとりと聴かせるバラードを披露。J-Pop的な歌ものポップスとダンス・ミュージックの間を行き交う、独自の〈ボーダー〉を築き上げた野心作!

[English Translation]
Je m'appelle, a two-piece male-female unit whose single “beyond EP” sold only at   Tower Records Shibuya gathered attention, has released their third album “BORDER.” Including  “CROSS THE HORIZON” where synth riffs rise gradually, they offer electro house music based on unconstrained high-pitched vocals, but on the other hand, “falling leaves” is a chill-out ballad with piano and horns. They built up their ‘border’ with this ambitious work going back and forth between J-pop-like songs and dance music!