昨年秋にデビューした〈奇跡の14歳〉が、早くもファースト・アルバムをリリース。プロデュースは引き続きNONA REEVESの西寺郷太が全編を手掛けており、シングル曲もリファイン。いわゆるアイドル・マナーのエレポップとは一線を画したちょっぴりアーバン、ちょっぴりファンタジックなサウンドを展開しながら、ヴァイタリティーに溢れた彼女の歌声との絶妙な駆け引きを聴かせてくれます。クール!
[English Translation]
Rinne Yoshida - "Fantaskie"
The artist billed as 'the miraculous 14-year-old,' who made her debut last autumn, has already released the first album. As with the previous singles, all the tracks on this album are produced by Gota Nishidera of the Japanese Pop/Rock band NONA REEVES, including the gloriously refined singles. Holding the line against so-called idol-mannered electro-pop, it gives out the sound with a tinge of urban and fantasy, perfectly executed with her energetic singing. Fantastically cool!