ロベルト吉野の活動休止~復帰を経て届いた2年ぶりのフル作。まっすぐな眼差しとユーモラスな語り口でヒップホップをエンターテインするという原点に立ち返り、初期衝動はそのままにアップデートした快作だ。ZEN-LA-ROCKとのヒップ・ハウスなどのフロア着火曲がある一方、BOSEを迎えた“Be A Man”では大人のビターなロマンが歌われる。キャリアを重ねたうえでフレッシュな音を届けんとする気概に満ち満ちております。


[English Translation]
Cypress Ueno To Robert Yoshino "Condor"

The first album in two years is released after undergoing Robert Yoshino's hiatus and comeback. Returning to their roots of making entertaining hip-hop with a straight-forward approach and humorous narrative, "Condor" is a fantastic updated version of the hip-hop duo's works with their primary intentions undisturbed. The new album includes wide range of artistry from hip-house track featuring ZEN-LA-ROCK that'll set the floor on fire to a mellow and bitter romantic track "Be a Man" featuring BOSE, the MC from the well-respected Japanese hip-hop group Scha Dara Parr. Witness the veteran's deep passion for creating and delivering fresh new tracks.