MCのNAGAN SERVERと、福岡を拠点とするトラックメイカーのMANTISがひとつの物語を紡ぎ出すコラボ盤。ジャズやラウンジ・ミュージック、アンビエントなどのエッセンスを散りばめ、時にグルーヴィーに、時に安らぎをもって魅了するサウンドと、楽器の旋律とシンクロするフロウが恍惚へと誘う。CHIYORIら盟友の参加に加え、NAGANのソロ曲“Oh My Town”もBASIを迎えて再構築。静かながら闘志を秘めた一枚。
[English Translation]
A collaborative album by MC NAGAN SERVER and Fukuoka-based beatmaker MANTIS, gathering the threads of a story together. Interspersed with the essence of jazz, lounge music and ambient, sometimes groovy and sometimes relaxing, mesmerizing sound as well as the flow nicely in sync with the melody of instruments will take you to ecstasy. In addition to the guest appearances by their old allies including CHIYORI (Japanese female singer), the album features NAGAN's reconstructed solo piece "Oh My Town," welcoming Japanese rapper BASI. Although being calm, the album demonstrates their fighting spirit.