地域密着の姿勢とハードな現場支持を誇る長州SEVENから2冊目の記録が届いた。引き続きMETROSCAPEがサウンドを統括し、名曲“IDREAM”など昨年のシングル収録曲も織り込みつつ熱情に溢れた歌風景を描いていく。“イグニッション”から参画した網本ナオノブの直球ぶりがキャッチー。別掲のworld's end girlfriendらと同じく、中原中也記念館の20周年企画展に出品した“Butterfly Effect ~一つのメルヘン~”も聴きどころだ。


[English Translation]
Yamaguchi Kassei Gakuen Idol Bu "NOTE 2"

The Choshu SEVEN, hence the seven girls from the Choshu Domain who form Yamaguchi Kassei Gakuen Idol Bu (meaning Yamaguchi Pref. Revitalize High School, Idol Club) , the idol group with a strong local fan base and known for their community-based activities, has delivered their second album, "NOTE 2”. (Note: “Chosu SEVEN” comes from the title of a song from their first album.) METROSCAPE, the song writing duo continues to produce the idol group’s sound. Songs include the masterpiece “IDREAM” as well as others that were released on singles last year, portraying a soul-filled landscape. Naonobu Amimoto, the music producer who came on board since their fifth single “Ignition” took a bold and catchy approach on this new album. The song “Butterfly Effect – Hitotsu no Meruhen”, made its appearance on the Twentieth Anniversary Exhibition of Chuya Nakahara Museum (a Japanese poet of Showa period), making it a track much worthy of checking out.