海外でも作品を発表して評価を得ているトラックメイカーが、前作に続きPROGRESSIVE FOrMから7作目を発表。アブストラクトなサウンドに物憂げな声が漂う“Afterhours”、オリエンタルなヴォーカルとメロディーが幻想へと誘う“Rey Deley”など、声ネタを解体/再構築して全編に採り入れた新境地とも言える音世界は、強烈なトリップ感をもたらす。細やかな音の配置、緻密なビートメイクにもその才が窺える深遠な作品!
[English Translation]
Geskia, the beatmaker who has been receiving good reputation after delivering his works overseas too, has released his seventh work from PROGRESSIVE FOrM, the same label as the last time. Abstract sounds and listless voicees run through “Afterhours”, while the oriental vocals and melody in “Rey Deley” beckon us to a fantasy. The music world of the whole piece in which unbuilt/rebuilt voice samples are adopted can be described as his new ground that intensely makes us trip out. A profound work that shows us his talent by the prudent sound design and delicate beatmaking!