LOW HIGH WHO?に所属するビートメイカーの2作目。Jinmenusagiや狐火ら前作に続いてのラッパー陣に加え、ボンジュール鈴木、吉田靖直(トリプルファイヤー)など幅広いゲストを迎え、哀愁が滲むポエムコアからインダストリアルなラガ曲まで、シリアスかつハードで懐の深いサウンドを展開! 特に空也MC率いるPBMが参加した“hangover”は、明け透けな酔いどれぶりにニヤリとなるキラー・チューン!
[English Translation]
DJ Rokugatsu “Batten Shark”
Rising beatmaker of the label LOW HIGH WHO?, DJ Rokugatsu (meaning June) has just released his 2nd album. Supported by the array of solid rappers (i.e. Jinmenusagi, Kitunebi) again as the previous one + newly inviting a wide range of guest musicians (Bonjour Suzuki, Yasunao Yoshida from Triple Fire etc.) the new piece delivers serious yet hard and deeply receptive sounds with greatly varied tracks ranging from melancholic poemcore to industrial ragga. Watch out especially for the killer tune “hangover” featuring PBM (massive hip hop unit led by Kuuya MC)” as their super-openly drunken dialogue will definitely make you grin!