モデルや音楽ライターとしても活躍する新世代のポップ・アイコンが、ネットを中心に注目を集めたミックステープを経て、新生LOW HIGH WHO?よりエッジーな初フィジカル作を上梓。ウォッシュト・アウト“Feel It All Around”への真夜中のベッドルームからの回答のような“Beautiful Fantasy”から、FKAツイッグスに通じる危うい美しさを湛えた“Downer”(Paranelも絶賛!)へと繋がる冒頭の流れで、完璧に掴まれます。
[English Translation]
Following the well-noted/mainly-via-internet mixtape last year, lively active model/music writer/new generation pop icon A.Y.A hereby presents her first edgy physical release from the recently re-organized indie label, LOW HIGH WHO? You will be perfectly hooked from the brilliant flow at the beginning with tunes from “Beautiful Fantasy” (that sounds like her answer from her midnight bedroom to Washed Out’s 2nd album, “Paracosm”) toward the last, filled with FKA twigs-ish risky beauty “Downer”(highly praised by LHW? leader/brain Paranel!)