USでのバンド活動を経た後に、ポスト・ロック楽団のhydrant house purport rife on sleepyなどで活躍してきたイケダユウスケと、fredricson名義での活動やレミ街の鍵盤奏者として知られる荒木正比呂のユニットが初アルバムを発表。初期のフォー・テットを思わせる瑞々しい音の水面に、インディー・フォーク流儀の〈歌〉が照り返ったかと思えば、ディスコ寄りの“Santamonica”まで楽しめちゃう好盤です。
[English Translation]
The musical unit between Yusuke Ikeda, who has a varied music career including, following his band activities in the US, playing in the Japanese post-rock band hydrant house purport rife on sleepy, and Masahiro Araki, who is known for his releases under the name fredricson and also as the keyboardist of Remigai (Japanese pop and rock band), has released their first album. An excellent album packed with great sounds, ranging from a disco-tinged number "Santamonica", to indie folk-mannered 'vocals' that reflect on the surface of fresh sounds, akin to the sounds of the early days of Four Tet (English post-rock and electronic musician).