レゲエアフロジャズを基軸にしたバンドの新作。ライヴ感でグイグイ押す“FRONTIRE”や“HOT SONG”など高速アフロ/ジャズ曲の格好良さはもちろん、ヒサシ the KIDを迎えたヴォーカル曲“サングラスとボルサリーノ”やサックスがぶっきらぼうに鳴る“CINEMA CLUB”など、艶っぽくルーディーな楽曲が印象的だ。夜の繁華街を思わせる猥雑さと酒の匂い。〈大人の不良〉を地で行く手練れたちの痺れるような一枚だ。

[English Translation]
Latest release from the reggae, afro, and jazz-led band. Never mind the awesomeness of the high-speed afro or jazz tracks such as “FRONTIRE” or “HOT SONG” where the live energy rages on, standing out are the sexy and rudish tracks such as “Sunglasses and Borsalino”, a vocal song welcoming Hisashi the KID from Japanese rock band The Beaches, or “CINEMA CLUB” with the gruff sax blaring out. The album will take you out for a stroll in the bawdy nightlife circuits where the smell of booze pervades the streets. A fantastic turn-on piece from the natural ‘grown-up baddies’.