藤井麻輝&森岡賢のユニットが放つ2枚目のミニ作。静謐なトーンのプロダクションを軸にした初作から一転、ダイナミックなビートが轟くアッパーな作品に仕上がっている。LUNA SEAJや元CutemenPicorinをヴォーカルに迎えた楽曲はEDMマナーでボディー・ミュージックをアップデートしたような趣で、そこにSOFT BALLETの影を見る向きもあるだろうが、それもアリとする解放されきった作り手のムードが感じ取れる。


[English Translation]
The group formed by Maki Fujii and Ken Morioka has released their second mini album. Unlike their first output that features a tranquil-toned production, this collection boasts booming upper-beat grooves and dynamic beats. The tracks featuring special guest vocals such as J from LUNA SEA (influential Japanese rock band), and Picorin, the vocalist and member of Cutemen, give us the feeling that minus(-) has given a new face to electronic body music in an EDM manner. People might find the shadow of SOFT BALLET (Japanese synth-pop/new wave band) in there, but their free-spirited atmosphere comes to ensure that that wouldn't really matter to them.

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