今年1月、圧巻のスチーム・パンク作品で20年以上ぶりに復活したユニットによるCD+DVD。前作と同じく上田剛士、yukihiro(L'Arc~en~Ciel)、YOW-ROW(GARI)を加えたバンド編成で録音された本作では、ブラスが吠えるグラマラスなシャッフル曲“Deeper and Down”、怒涛のビートが脳を蹂躙する“H.N.A”といった新曲を披露。さらにライヴ音源では、現在入手困難な94年作『SWITCHBLADE』の楽曲も聴けるのが嬉しい!
[English Translation]
Legendary industrial unit SCHAFT has been known as a musical side project by iconic core members Maki Fujii (of rock duo minus(ー), electronic duo SUILEN and formerly of electronic group Soft Ballet) and Hisashi Imai (of rock band Buck-Tick). After well over 20 years of hiatus, the unit finally resumed working with the overwhelmingly great steampunk album in January this year and here comes the latest, a CD+DVD set following the path. Recorded in the band format same as before consisting of Takeshi Ueda(AA=), yukihiro (drummer of L'Arc~en~Ciel) and YOW-ROW(of electro-rock band GARI), the full-length album nicely unveils the original new tracks, such as the brass-howling glamorous shuffle track “Deeper and Down” or the brain-invasive-raging-beats filled “H.N.A”. Meanwhile, it’s quite a delight to find the live recordings of several tunes from their already-rare and hard-to-get `94 album “SWITCHBLADE” as well!