古巣に移籍しての初アルバムは、ここ数作中でもっともデジタル要素が色濃い印象。上田剛士AA=)や藤井麻輝SCHAFT組の参加もあってか、インダストリアルな意匠すら散りばめた本作は、テンションの高い攻撃性と叙情的なメランコリーをダークな陰影が覆う。〈アトム〉〈人魚姫〉といったポップなモチーフを挿みつつ、どこまでも尾を引く〈孤独〉を先行曲“NEW WORLD”で煌びやかに昇天させるエンディングの美しさよ。


[English Translation]
BUCK-TICK “Atom Miraiha No.9

The first album after returning to their former record label seems to contain more digital elements than any other recent releases. Presumably partly due to the participation of guest musicians such as Takeshi Ueda (currently active under alias AA=) and Maki Fujii who both take part in the industrial music side project SCHAFT, a dark shadow hangs over the spirit-raising aggressiveness and lyrical melancholy in this album interspersed with industrial inspirations. Slipping in such pop motifs as [Atom] or [The Little Mermaid], the album beautifully ends with the pre-released "NEW WORLD" in which endlessly lingering loneliness brilliantly disappears.