約2年半ぶりの6作目は、曲ごとのインパクトを強調した前作よりも全体のストーリー性に比重を置いたものに。世界で活躍する自分たちの姿を〈宇宙探検家〉に例えたと思しき表題曲や、これまでの道のりを振り返る“Star Train”“Tokimeki Lights”など壮大な曲に加え、たおやかな“Relax In The City”や大人びた歌詞の“Baby Face”など新機軸もキラリ。より成熟した表現へと手を伸ばしていく、3人の新たな姿が詰まっている。
[English Translation]
Approximately 2.5 years since their last release, the 3-girls electro techno pop unit Perfume’s 6th album appears to be more story-based than the last in which the impact of each track was more the highlight. Besides the spectacular tunes like the title track connoting the internationally popular ‘selves’ as [Cosmic Explorer]s, or “Star Train” and ”Tokimeki Lights” that look back on their paths until today, the full-length album sparklingly offers a brand-new approach also, with graceful & cute “Relax In The City” and all-grown-up lyrics-filled “Baby Face”. Reaching out to the next phase for more mature expressions, the trio’s new-self has been nicely packed here.