散発的なリリースながら、ポップ・リスナーの衆目を着実に集めてきたayU tokiOが満を持して送り出すファースト・フル・アルバム。ストリングスも動員した流麗な音世界はA&M系のソフト・ロックになぞらえられるが、端正な構築美よりも破綻寸前の繊細な揺らぎこそをめざしたようなソングライティングが個性的で美しい。アイドル歌謡の綻びを取り込んだような“プロムナード4D”にそんな志向が色濃く表れていて新鮮だ。

[English Translation]
ayU tokiO  "Arata naru Kai (meaning New Solution)"

Though he doesn’t make regular releases, ayU tokiO has steadily attracted public attention from pop-listeners, and has finally delivered his long-awaited first full-length album. While his sleek music created with the sounds that also draws on string instruments is often described as A&M-Records-style soft rock, truly unique and beautiful is his song writing that seems to aim for the delicate fluctuation at the brink of collapse, rather than the perfection or beauty of structure. “Promenade 4D”, is a number that clearly and refreshingly reflects such intention, sounding as if it incorporates the frays of Japan’s idol music.