〈world's end girlfriend〉をそのままコンセプトに掲げた、6年ぶりのフル・アルバム。轟音ギターと揺らぐテルミンの旋律が不穏なワルツを奏でる表題曲をはじめ、カオス度を増すサウンドに湯川潮音の歌声が神々しい“Plein Soleil”など、静と動が表裏一体となった荘厳な音絵巻が繰り広げられる。狂気と美、絶望と光が渦巻き、胸を締め付ける……まさにこの鬼才の真価を見せ付ける傑作! 青木裕(downy)、Pianaも参加。
[English Translation]
Internationally-acclaimed Katsuhiko Maeda unveils “LAST WALTZ," the first full-length album in six years with a self-referential theme, world's end girlfriend. The latest unfolds a magnificent sonic narrative where both static and dynamic qualities are two sides of the same coin: The title track is an ominous waltz number with roaring guitar sounds and quivering Theremin lines while “Plein Soleil” combines Shione Yukawa’s celestial voice with chaotic ever-growing soundscape. Bearing heart-grabbing swirls of insanity, beauty, despair and hope, this masterpiece sees the remarkable talent coming into his own. Also, the album features guests like downy’s guitarist Yutaka Aoki and Japanese composer Piana