直近のシングルで強めてきたダンサブルなラインをより明快に、間近に控えた日本武道館公演も視野に入れた、ノリの良いニュー・アルバム。MTV世代をニヤッとさせた先行の“Evolution No.9”のようにさりげないフックを随所に仕掛け、奇を衒った大胆さに頼らない、まさに王道路線と言える新曲が15曲中12曲! 情感溢れるメロディーと5声それぞれの魅力も相まって、ただただ愛おしい。

[English Translation]
Making even more clearer their approach to a 'danceable line' of music which was already profound in their latest single release, this new release is a pleasant album with joyfully bouncy beats, obviously taking into account preps for their upcoming performance at the Budokan. 12 out of all the 15 tracks are new songs that are classic enough not to rely on eccentric boldness, but have casual hooks planted throughout the song, just like "Evolution No.9", the leading single that made the MTV generation grin. The expressive melodies and enchantment of the 5 individual voices are simply angelically precious.