国内外から熱い視線を集めるトラックメイカーが、Seiho主宰のDay Tripperよりファースト・フル・アルバムを上梓。トライバルなビートにフューチャリスティックなシンセが斬り込む“Arc”から掴みはバッチリで、ジューク/フットワークコズミック風情のドラムンベースダブステップ以降のベース使いまで、トレンドの移り変わりが激しいシーンを丸ごと飲み込まんばかりの貪欲な姿勢が天晴れ!

[English Translation]
The front-line track maker from Kobe attracting close attention both domestically and internationally, has released his first full-length album from Day Tripper Records, the independent label launched by beatmaker/DJ Seiho in the Kansai area. Tribal beats and steeply-cutting futuristic synth sounds in "Arc" provide as the perfect hooks that easily get into the listeners' hearts and the insatiable attitude as if to swallow down the whole of the intensely trend-shifting music scene ranging from juke/footwork or cosmic touch drum'n'bass to post-dubstep bass developments, deserves nothing but a big round of applause!