昭和歌謡が持つ魅惑の輝きをいまに伝える夜の天使の新作は、普段よりアルコール度数も高めな内容に。特に甘美に酔わせてくれるのはロス・インディオスにスティーヴィー ・ワンダーを混ぜたカクテル“別れても好きな人”で、横山剣との妖艶なデュエットが実現。川上つよしと彼のムードメイカーズが編曲したレゲエ調の“ウィスキーがお好きでしょ”も赤ちょうちんが似合いそうな雰囲気が魅力。いやはやベロベロっす。
[English Translation]
Aya Nakano’s Warui Kuse (meaning Bad Habit)
The latest release from the ‘angel of the night’, singer Aya Nakano, who cordially delivers to listeners today the enchanting dazzle of Showa Kayo pops (standard Japanese pops from the Showa era), seems to have been injected with a higher amount of alcohol content than usual. One track that sweetly liquors up the listener in particular is “Wakaretemo Sukina Hito (meaning The Person I Love Even After Parting)” that sounds like a ‘cocktail’ made by mixing Los Indios (the group popular for making this song a great hit in the 80s) and Stevie Wonder, showcasing a lush duet with Ken Yokoyama, the lead vocalist of popular rock / pop / soul / funk group, Crazy Ken Band. The song “Whisky ga Osukidesho (You & Night & Whisky in English)” has been arranged into a reggae-sound tune by Japanese Tsuyoshi Kawakami & His Moodmakers, led by Kawakami, the bassist of Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, and oozes with the alluring air that goes absolutely well with an ‘akachochin’ (a red paper lantern usually hung in front of drinking spots). Oops, getting a bit stoned here...