毎年度末、メンバーの卒業と共にリリースされるアルバム。今年も部活動(グループ内ユニット)の曲が充実していて、ここで初出となるクッキング部の新曲は、メンバーの明るいキャラが反映されたハイテンションな和太鼓+テクノ・ナンバーで素晴らしい! 白眉は中等部3年の4名が歌う“FRIENDS”のアンプラグド版。オールラウンダーの堀内まり菜を中心とする清涼感に溢れた歌声は、何度聴いても心が洗われます。
[English Translation]
Sakura Gakuin "Sakura Gakuin Yr2013 ~Kizuna (The Bond)~"
Another release of the annual album series released at the end of each fiscal year, just as the senior members graduate the team. The album is yet again enriched with 'club activities' songs (by the sub-units within the group). Especially in this album, the debut song by the "Cooking Club" deserves absolute must-hear attention with its hyper Japanese drum combined with techno beats that reflects the upbeat characters of the members. The prize track would be the 'unplugged' acoustic version of "FRIENDS" sung by the four 9th graders. The harmony of the crystal fresh voices including vocals of Marina Horiuchi, the all-round singer of the group, is bound to be the perfect heart-cleanser for the listeners.