2人でのスタートから早4年。初のフル・アルバムは、6人編成のはっちゃけ感とカラフルさが見事に開花したような快作! ポップなバンド(じゃないけど)サウンドを軸に、前山田健一が編曲した電波系ブレイクビーツ、DJ BAKUがひねりまくったユーロダンス風、ゆよゆっぺ作のへヴィーでトランシーなダンス・チューンなど、音楽的挑戦に基づく充実度も高い。デュオ時代の人気曲も新録し、集大成にして晴れやかな〈再出発〉!


[English Translation]
BAND JA NAIMON!  "Re:start"

It’s been four years since this 'mixed-media of the idle world' started out with two members. Their first full album with the current six members formation is happy and colorful, -a masterpiece in full bloom! The sound is centered around pop band sounds (though they are not a band,) accompanied with an electronic break beats track arranged by Kenichi Maeyamada (producer/composer/lyricist/musician), a euro-dance track with a twist by DJ BAKU and a heavy-trance dance track by yuyoyupe (VOCALOID producer/composer/DJ/band vocalist), making the album musically ambitious and highly satisfactory. Popular songs from their duo times are re-recorded on this album, -what a great compilation and a beautiful "Re:start" for the group!