初作『white sky』の素晴らしさを隙あらば説いてきた筆者だが、この5年ぶりの新作はそのクォリティーを優に超えていて嬉しい限り。ガット・ギター、ピアノ/シンセ、ドラムスを担当するトリオが超絶テクを駆使して立ち上げるのは、言わば、森羅万象をモチーフにしたユートピア。華やかな音色のミニマルなフレーズが生命力に溢れた変拍子を生み出し、そのリフレインが速度を増しながらダイナミックな音の奔流を巻き上げていく。〈ROVOSerphの世界観を構築したら?〉……そんな例えも有効かもしれないが、この慈愛に満ちたトランス感覚は彼ら3人だからこそ。リズムに身を任せるほどに込み上げてくる多幸感――途轍もない充足感をもたらすダンス・ミュージックをぜひ体験してほしい。今回も傑作!

[English Translation]
Whenever I had the chance, I've been personally telling people the fascination of "white sky," their first work. But what makes me happy is that the quality of this new piece, after five years, well goes beyond the last one. The trio playing a gut guitar, piano/synthesizer, and drums use their super skillful techniques to raise a utopia whose motif is all nature, so to speak. Minimal phrases in colorful sounds bring odd meter which is full of vital force, and the refrain gradually speeds up while lifting dynamic and torrent sounds like a spiral. 'What if ROVO, the human-powered trans rock unit, constructs the world of Serph, the electronic solo musician?' Some may describe the mini album like this, but this sensation of trance full of affection can be only created by these three. Euphoria wells up more and more as you give yourself to the rhythm. I definitely recommend you to experience this dance music that brings you exorbitant satisfaction. A terrific piece of work again!