[English Translation]
Kitunebi “Neo Neet”
Attracting more and more followers with empathy for his exceptional words world as highly applaused by the former two-division world champion boxer Akira Yaegashi on TV for example, the heart-shaking lyrics-expert/rapper Kitunebi has released his 7th full-length album. Dared to pick a rather unstable music-focused life over his previous temp-staff status, the title track literally describes his current mode of being. Just like finding some hope in the course of positive approach while still feeling insecure about a future aspect of own life, the 32 year-old’s reality is sharply revealed especially in “Haken Shuryo Zenya (meaning The night before the expiration of my temp staff contract)” that firmly conveys certain emotional conflicts. The album features a joint-tune with Tentenko (ex-member of disbanded idop group BiS) as well.