各所で絶賛を浴びた初作リリース後の楽しすぎるライヴ活動などを経て、〈もっとLearnersをやりたい!〉〈もっとLearnersが聴きたい!〉といった送り手と受け手のピュアな熱量が真空パックされたような2作目。今回もマニア心をくすぐる50s~90sの洋楽ヒットをメインに取り上げ、良い曲を教えてくれるDJ的なありがたみまでを内包した、屈託のないカヴァーを展開している。ダックウォークやツイスト・ダンスが思い浮かぶ得意のロカビリー・テイストを引き継ぎつつ、より間口を広げた印象で、古川太一のドカドカ疾走するドラム+堀口チエの速弾きギター・ソロに痺れるセンセーションズ“Let Me In”、紗羅マリーのヴォーカルが哀愁&悩殺トーンで迫るマリー・ラフォレ“Saint Tropez Blues”、ホーンが華やかに舞うオリジナル・ナンバー“WATER THE FLOWERS”なんかは特に新鮮! チェッカーズ“ムーンライト・レヴュー50s'”もニクイ選曲で、気持ち良くヤラれます。音楽そのものに感謝したくなる一枚。

[English Translation]
Having been on the exhilarating live house circuit after winning critical acclaim for their debut release, Learners return with a follow-up album that vacuum packs the fresh zeal of both the creators and their listeners: "we want to make/hear Learners tunes more!" Like its predecessor, "More Learners" has a carefree attitude towards cover songs that mainly feature esoteric western hits between '50s and '90s, bring a light to forgotten gems just like DJs do. While maintaining the band's characteristic rockabilly taste, which recalls duck walk and twist dance, the album seems to draw on influence from other styles. The Sensations' "Let Me In" demonstrates an electrifying performance, combining Taichi Furukawa's rumbling drums with Chie Horiguchi's guitar shredding. Sara Mary's vocals set the nostalgic, sensual tone for Marie Laforêt’s "Saint Tropez Blues." "WATER THE FLOWERS" is an original number with dazzling dancing horn. There's a sly choice as Japanese pop band Checkers' "Moonlight Review 50s'" offers a pleasant journey. This is an album that leaves you appreciating the power of music.