Tokyo Recordingsに始まり、fox capture planLEARNERSとコラボしたシングル3部作を軸に、変化を続けた2016年を一枚に凝縮した3作目。ブルーアイド・ソウルからロックステディまで多彩な曲が並び、RopesのハーモニーとMU-STAR GROUPの打ち込みを組み合わせた“冬の青”は特に新鮮だ。ゲストと共に新たな音楽性を切り拓くことで、結果的にヴォーカリストとしての存在感を再確認できる一枚とも言えよう。

[English Translation]
Drawing on his past three collaborative singles with creator project Tokyo Recordings, instrumental trio fox capture plan and rock'n'roll band LEARNERS, Keishi Tanaka drops his third album to sums up 2016, which saw the Japanese singer-songwriter’s creative evolution. “What’s A Trunk?” features a wide variety of music that ranges from blue-eyed soul to rocksteady. "Fuyu No Ao (meaning Winter Blue)," in particular, is a fresh surprise as it combines Japanese duo Ropes' harmony with breakbeat creators MU-STAR GROUP’s programming. Opening up a new horizon in his aesthetic through these collaborations, the album is a great reminder that turns the spotlight on Tanaka’s presence as a vocalist.