過去に他アーティストに提供した楽曲を、それぞれ異なるアレンジャーを迎えて再構築したセルフ・カヴァー集。大友良英によるジャズAA=上田剛士によるドラムンベースTHE STARBEMS日高央によるパンクと、アレンジの方向性は見事にバラバラだが、そのぶん強烈な歌声の記名性が浮かび上がる。名越由貴夫ノイズ・ギターを活かし、オルタナ感のあるポップスに仕上げた小林武史による“カプチーノ”が白眉。


[English Translation]
Sheena Ringo "Gyakuyunyu ~Kowankyoku (meaning Reimport ~Ports and Harbours Bureau~)"

A collection putting together songs she once wrote for other artists, welcoming completely different arrangers and sung by herself. The directions of arrangements are splendidly out of order with Yoshihide Otomo, guitarist/turntablist/film music composer (famous for the music of Japanese morning drama series, [Amachan]) doing jazz, drum'n'bass by Takeshi Ueda of solo-rock project AA= (and who composed BABYMETAL's popular "Gimme chocolate!!"), punk by Toru Hidaka of rock band THE STARBEMS, which is precisely why the uniqueness of her intense vocals stands out. "Cappucino" by producer/writer/composer/keyboardist Takeshi Kobayashi is an outstanding track tailored with an alternative pop tone and decorated with liberally inserted noise guitar by producer/studio musician/arranger/guitarist Yukio Nagoshi.