カヴァー集がガス抜きになったのか、実に自然体で、かつ楽しんで取り組んだのが音に見える5枚目。使命感もコンセプトもないから、バンドを表した直球なアルバム・タイトルなんだと思う。パキッと明るいロックンロールが揃えば、チャーミングに疾走するTAXMAN歌唱の“LOVER BOY”やポップなコーラスで踊れる“KICKS!”のような曲も飛び出す。みんなが求めていたTHE BAWDIESってこれかも!
[English Translation]
It seems that they could let off steam by the cover album. The sound on the fifth album with the major-label shows they enjoyed working on this piece very relaxedly. The straightforward title of this album, showing how the band is, was probably chosen because they neither had a sense of mission nor concept. Snappy and happy rock 'n' roll tracks, a velocious and charming tune "LOVER BOY" sang by TAXMAN, and groovy "KICKS!" with pop chorus bounce out. Maybe that’s THE BAWDIES we wanted, after all!