これは名盤! 鮮烈なポップネスで度肝を抜いた先行カット“The World’s End”や眩い煌めきを放つ新たな名曲“Girl Friend”など清竜人による4曲を含む新作は、従来の堀江作品を支えてきた大川茂伸らも盤石の良い仕事ぶり。ピアノとストリングスが盛大に使用され、組曲を3~4分にギュッと凝縮したかのようなオーケストラル・ポップが目白押しだ。可憐な歌声が先導する超絶ガーリーな音世界に心が弾んだまま止まらないよ!


[English Translation]
Yui Horie’s World End Garden

A masterpiece! Striking pop-ness amazed listeners on an advance release song “The World’s End” and dazzling freshness delivered on an new masterpiece “Girl Friend”.  Including a total of four new tracks by Ryujin Kiyoshi the singer song-writer, the album is masterfully executed by Shigenobu Okawa (composer / arranger) and his team as Horie's usual supporters.  With piano and strings used elaborately, the album is full of orchestra pop that are like suite compressed into three to four minutes.  Yui's sweet vocals lead this brilliant girly-sound, World End Garden will keep you super happy!